Christmas Trees
Christmas is a favourite time of year in the United Kingdom! It is usually celebrated on December 25th.
Prince Albert, who was from Germany, made the Christmas tree popular when he presented Queen Victoria with one as a Christmas present. The idea was novel and caught on!
Most homes honor this tradition with hosting a Christmas tree which is traditionally done with a fir tree decorated with lights. It used to have real candles which is quite a fire hazard so electric lights have since reigned as the favourite.

The Christingles came from a Moravian church in 1747 and the Minister – John de Watteville gave children a lighted candle with a red ribbon around it which symbolized Jesus being the “Light of the World and the prayer being “Jesus, Light a flame in these children’s hearts.” This service is usually held Christmas Eve or the Sunday before Christmas.
Then there is the tradition of Saint Nicholas who later was deemed “Santa” in some regions. Saint Nicholas of Bari, also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker, who was in 343 A.D. and known as the patron saint of children, repentant thieves, brewers, pawnbrokers, and unmarried peoples and due to his secret gift-giving he became known as Sinterklaas or Santa Claus or in some parts he is known as “KK” or Kris Kringle.
Some favourite, time tested, foods that are traditionally served are Shepherds pie, Yorkshire pudding, pigs in blankets, parsnips, brussel sprouts, and mince pies.
Then there is the favourite fable by Charles Dickens called “A Christmas Carol.” No one wants to be given the title of “Scrooge” on Christmas Day. Scrooge was an old miser who hoarded money and neglected to pay his employees fair wages so that his best employee could hardly afford to provide a decent meal to his family on Christmas let alone give his son the medical care that was due him. Scrooge was a penny pincher and everyone around him felt it until Christmas Eve when three spirits visited him and changed his mind about the meaning of life and the value of money and friendship.

Our favourite holiday tradition is “Boxing Day.” Boxing day is traditionally celebrated on December 26th and it is the day when servants, the poor, and tradespeople were presented with gifts. It is now a day associated with shopping and sporting events! In the past, servants were required to serve their masters on Christmas day so they were allowed to celebrate Christmas with their families on December 26th – the day after Christmas. It also celebrates Saint Stephen the Patron Saint of Horses.
So many traditions to celebrate!
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