
The Sun is Shining and Summer is Upon Us – What to do in the U.K. in June

The sun is out and everyone is looking forward to getting out of the house and exploring London and its environs! There’s the London Eye, Secret Gardens and fabulous Lidos just waiting for you! The Open Garden Squares Weekend is always a favourite. Behold the beauty of flowers in bloom! There is nothing more summery and beautiful then flowers in bloom in fully colourful.  London’s hidden...

What is Boxing Day all about in the U.K.?

What is so unique about Boxing Day? Boxing day was originally called the day of the Christmas Box.  What is a “Christmas Box”?  The Christmas box was given to servants or tradespeople the day after Christmas. As servants had to serve on Christmas day, they typically received the day AFTER Christmas off of work. They were also given a Christmas Box which held a type of tip...

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